пятница, 24 апреля 2015 г.

Энтомологу: Вредитель Гледичии - Жук-Зерновка Megabruchidius dorsalis - ...

VIDEO LINK =https://youtu.be/zwQx6j7PpSY  Энтомологу: кандидат биологических наук Виктор Николаевич Фурсов рассказывает об особенностях биологии вредителя семян Гледичии Gleditsia triacanthos (Caesalpiniaceae) - это Жук-Зерновка Megabruchidius dorsalis (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) - новый Инвазивный Вид-Вредитель в Украине. Впервые отмечен автором в окрестностях г.Киева, столицы Украины.
Материал о вредителе - подан для публикации. Ссылка на публикацию будет дана позднее.
Entomologist, PhD, Dr Victor Fursov is telling the story about new finding in the environs of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, dangerous species of pest of Gleditsia triacanthos (Caesalpiniaceae) - bean beetle Megabruchidius dorsalis (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) which is originally distributed in China, Japan, taiwan, India, and later was recorded in Italy, germany, France, Hungary. This is the first record of this invasive species at the most Northern region of its distribution - in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. It was recorded in December 2014 in Kiev, Ukraine.
The story about invasive species of bruchid beetle Megabruchidius dorsalis (Coleoptera, Bruchidae) which is developing on seeds of honey hocust tree Gleditsia triacanthos in urban regions of Ukraine.
The honey locust, Gleditsia triacanthos, also known as the thorny locust, is a deciduous tree native to central North America. The fruit of the honey locust is a flat legume (pod) that matures in early autumn. The pods are generally between 15–20 cm. The species is a major invasive environmental and economic weed in agricultural regions of Australia. The plant forms thickets and destroys the pasture required for livestock to survive. In much of the Midwest of the United States the honey locust is also considered a weed tree and a pest that establishes itself in farm fields. 

23.04.2015 Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

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VIDEO WAS RECORDED:   23.04.2015, the city of Kiev, the capital of UKRAINE. Recorded by Victor Fursov, Entomologist in Ukraine.
ОРИГИНАЛЬНОЕ ВИДЕО ЗАПИСАНО:    23.04.2015., г.Киев, столица УКРАИНЫ. Original Video was recorded by Viktor Fursov, Biologist and Entomologist in Ukraine.



Энтомологу: Вредитель Гледичии - Жук-Зерновка Megabruchidius dorsalis - Инвазивный Вид в Украине

Invasive Species Megabruchidius dorsalis on Gleditsia triacanthos in Ukraine

VIDEO LINK = https://youtu.be/zwQx6j7PpSY

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