VIDEO LINK = Ukraine 2014: Wow! The story about Big but so Funny Scolia Wasps (Hymenoptera, Scoliidae) in a Big City, Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, by Entomologist in Ukraine (ENG) Entomologist , Ph.D. FURSOV Viktor talks about wasps Scoliidae, living in an urban setting in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. He shows for the audience the wasp - Scolia hirta, which runs in his hands. This wasp is safe enough, you can even pick up -- but if you know how to do it!
But be careful to repeat this trick and experiment! If press wasp a bit - she can sting ! Where do the wasps Scolia hirta live?
In Ukraine wasps Scolia hirta - come out of the ground, where they overwintered, and emerge from the cocoons in May-June .
Adults of Scolia are actively and can e observed in Ukraine from May to late September.
Females of Scolia hirta search and paralyze soil dwelling larvae of scarab beetles (Scarabaeidae) - including larvae of chafer Cetonia aurata - and lay eggs on its skin.
Females are searching for grubs in the spring time, including Cetonia larvae which can be found in rotten wood.
In the spring time wasps are very often flying around the stumps and decaying trees -- it is an indicator that there may dwell grubs (Scarabaeidae). The female of Scolia burrows in the ground where she finds the beetle's larva and paralyzes her by sting.
Then the female lays one egg on the surface of skin of beetle's larva.
Scolia larvae feed on the host larva, and then and overwinter inside the cocoon in the soil on a depth up to 40 cm
Larva of Scolia pupates in the spring and than adult hatches. Imago - males and females - emerge in the spring, after a successful overwintering.
Scolia adults are feeding on nectar on the flowers of plants.
Where do the adults spend the night time? Scolia females are hiding in the soil, but males are attaching to thin branches of shrubs and trees.
In Ukraine there are 8 species of Scolia (family Scoliidae).
These wasps are very often can be observe in an urban setting - around decaying stumps, near flower beds around stumps and around playgrounds in the city, where there are trees and old rotten stumps, on private land in rural settings, near country-side houses, in plots with compost and humus.
The wasps Scolia are not aggressive and it is advisable do not to kill these nice wasps.
The wasp Scolia maculata is a protected species, the subject to the conservation and protection, it is included in the " Red Book of Ukraine ."
VIDEO RECORDED: May 21-st 2014, Kiev, Ukraine.
Ukraine, Kiev 2014: Big Scolia Wasps in a Big City, by Entomologist in Ukraine (ENG). may 21-st 2014, Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
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